
Quick Catch Up. Thank YOU.

It has been almost a year and a half since I last made a post on a blog. I am, by the standards of almost anyone, a terrible blogger. I may have the thoughts or adventures to make a better blog, but since 2008 I have never shared them with you.

You. The 27 views that "A Carmen Called Jenna" currently has. You faithful 5 readers who have occasionally checked to see if I have written. You who were time and again, disappointed. Well, to the few and the proud, this one's for YOU.

Let me catch you up on what has happened since the last posting when I had just moved to Cochabamba Bolivia. 4 months in Cochabamba. Amazing. I fell in love with the country and fell in love with a  Bolivian man.
A firm believer in the power of love to overcome any obstacle, the Bolivian man and I entered into a long distance, international, cross-cultural, bilingual romantic relationship via Skype while I finished my 2 degrees at Azusa Pacific Univesity. It was a beautiful story. One that helped push me back in the direction of South America, back to Bolivia.

In November I took a job as a Psychology/ English teacher at a small rural school outside of Sucre (14 hours from Cochabamba). In December and January, my 14 month relationship with the Bolivian ended. (I won't go into all the sappy details, right now, this is just to catch YOU up)

Today: I am back in Colorado. I just said good bye to my life in California, to the beautiful friends and people there. I said good bye to a place in the heart of no-where, a place that holds my heart. I am about to say good-bye, again, to my childhood home. Though I may have moved, I do believe that relationships do not change based on location. I've heard it said that some people come into our lives for a season for a specific reason. I do not agree with that. Relationships, friendships... are not meant to be traded in for the latest fashion trends and newest neighbor. Real friendships are meant to be life long, living and breathing... they are meant, I am convinced to be a BODY.
Now, again, my body is leaving the many other bodies who mean so much to me. I believe that I am following the will of the Head and Heart of the Body. It is a will that takes us on a journey into the great unknown.

In this time of not knowing, I invite you to join me. It will be an adventure.

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